Student Leadership Cohort

Taking an intentional journey of becoming who you were meant to be.

Eric and his wife, Holly, wrote this Coaching Cohort journey that takes a high school student, young adult, or college age person and walks through a carefully thought through process to prepare them for life and leadership, wherever they feel called.  This Student Leadership Coaching is a four-month journey is designed for students or teams to walk through leadership development with once monthly group meetings as well as personal followups.   

Student Leadership Cohort participants will go through these units:

  • The Person – You will dig into who you are through personality assessments, enneagram, and the events of life that shaped and formed the person.

  • The Purpose – everyone has a purpose they were created for.  This unit will journey through discovering that purpose and what that means for the big picture of life.

  • The Plan – after discovering more of who you are and what you were created for, we’ll look at developing a plan for living it out

  • The Pursuit – this the “what’s next” phase where through affirmation and empowering, participants begin to step into their God given purpose with the practical plan in place.